Hi, I’m Emma Clarke - welcome to my studio!

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Hi! I’m Emma Clarke.

I’m all about audio. I’m a freelance broadcaster, voice actor, graphic score artist, musician, composer, PhD student.

I connect sound, music, art and storytelling to explore how creativity shapes culture.

You’ll learn…

  • What I make - voiceovers, music, podcasts and more.

  • How I work - my creative process, what succeeds, what fails.

  • Why I do what I do - the strategy behind my work.

I make sound diaries, audio maps and graphic scores.

I share my newsletter, articles and podcasts.

🔥 Paid subscribers get early access to my work, exclusive articles, bonus podcast episodes and online discussions! 🔥

What subscribers say…

“I needed that this morning. Listened to it at 5am and it was like a therapy session. Thank you Emma.”

“Loving your voices. It's fascinating.”


“I've just listened to all, yes all of the episodes. How wonderful to hear you chatting away.”

“Love this!”

“Thoroughly enjoyed that!”

“That’s cheered me up!”

Check out one of my posts!

Who Do You Think I Am?
How does a voice actor create a character voice?
Listen now (11 min) | Listen to the podcast above. Read the companion article below…
Listen now

In my bite-size podcast episodes, you’ll hear me wandering around my house while I talk to you and with any luck, you’ll meet my dog who really likes to make her presence felt…

Just look at her little face.

Subscribe to receive to my newsletter, podcast and articles. Upgrade to paid if you’d like more - deeper-dives and exclusive content, including online events.

I’d love it if you’d join me and subscribe.

I hope to land in your inbox soon. :)

Your information will never be shared because I’m not a jerk.

PS Follow me on socials! My username is @emmabclarke My personal website is here. You can find out about my art work on my art website.

Subscribe to Who Do You Think I Am?

Inside the Studio: A Sound Artist’s Creative Journal


Presenter of BBC Radio 3's Saturday Breakfast show, writer, voice actor, composer, Royal Northern College of Music PhD student.