A good and honest discussion, which we all have to have with ourselves and our followers - the 'tribe,' as you put it. I use a mixture, but abandoned Twitter in 2023, and never really felt comfortable on LinkedIn. Oh, for that ideal of a social media space for creatives, where no one is abused, and, as you say, facts matter.
A former client of mine left all forms of social media apart from sporadic posts on LinkedIn. They went all in on search (they are a website designer) and send monthly emails. That's it. I don't know how that's affected their marketing, but last I spoke to them to refer someone to them, they were fully booked.
Personally I think social media as a marketing tool has lost most of its power, but lots of businesses still spend a disproportionate amount of time and money on content creation, hoping it will still bring the results it did 5 -10 years ago.
I think you're right. It's definitely lost a lot of its power. I'd love to get to a place where I can just use ONE platform to speak to people who genuinely want to engage with me. For other projects, I'm obliged to use socials...but if trust continues to be eroded and the quality of content on the platforms degrades, I wonder if that's sustainable.
The erosion of trust will change the landscape. (Some) people will disengage, and that will change how many more interact with it. Interesting times (a euphemism for WTF times)...
We're at a fascinating juncture! I think some people will want more control of their content...and will be choosier about what they share, how they share and who they engage with. I'm just done with the toxicity, tbh.
A good and honest discussion, which we all have to have with ourselves and our followers - the 'tribe,' as you put it. I use a mixture, but abandoned Twitter in 2023, and never really felt comfortable on LinkedIn. Oh, for that ideal of a social media space for creatives, where no one is abused, and, as you say, facts matter.
A former client of mine left all forms of social media apart from sporadic posts on LinkedIn. They went all in on search (they are a website designer) and send monthly emails. That's it. I don't know how that's affected their marketing, but last I spoke to them to refer someone to them, they were fully booked.
Personally I think social media as a marketing tool has lost most of its power, but lots of businesses still spend a disproportionate amount of time and money on content creation, hoping it will still bring the results it did 5 -10 years ago.
Time to face facts (if they can find them...)
I think you're right. It's definitely lost a lot of its power. I'd love to get to a place where I can just use ONE platform to speak to people who genuinely want to engage with me. For other projects, I'm obliged to use socials...but if trust continues to be eroded and the quality of content on the platforms degrades, I wonder if that's sustainable.
The erosion of trust will change the landscape. (Some) people will disengage, and that will change how many more interact with it. Interesting times (a euphemism for WTF times)...
We're at a fascinating juncture! I think some people will want more control of their content...and will be choosier about what they share, how they share and who they engage with. I'm just done with the toxicity, tbh.