Getting Right With Tao...and a guy named Ron.
Listen to some of the most beautiful, mind-opening words I've ever read.
A few years ago I came across an extraordinary book.
I’ve always been interested in philosophy and I’d been reading a lot about Tao. And then I found this incredible book.
“A decade in the making, Ron Hogan's Getting Right with Tao conveys the essence of the Tao Te Ching but with a modern, self-aware sensibility.”
I love its unpretentious simplicity.
I contacted the author, Ron.
“Can I record your book?” I said.
“Sure,” said Ron.
And we’ve been e-friends ever since.
Recording the book was incredibly easy. Sometimes a voiceover will work on a project like this. A project where everything comes together seamlessly.
Most of it was done in one take. There was a curious sense of ease in the recording sessions.
I mean, it was weird the way it just flowed.
There’s quite a lot of audio in Getting Right With Tao, so I’ll have to re-direct you to Soundcloud so you can listen to the three playlists that make up the whole book.
I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I loved reading it.